START Swimming
17545 North Eldridge
Tomball, Texas 77377
If you are calling during business hours and we don't pickup, it might mean we are in the pool or on the deck. Please leave a message and we will get back to you.
Monday: 8a-12p, 3p-8p
Tuesday: 2p-8p
Wednesday: 2p-8p
Thursday: 8a-8p
Friday: 2p-8p
Saturday: 8a-2p
Sunday Closed
Have questions or need a little more info? We're here to help. Please feel free to contact us by filling out the form below, emailing us directly at start@startswimming.com or calling us at 713-469-2503.

Looking for Water Certification Programs?
In addition to our swim lessons, we also offer Water Certification Programs. Our Water Certification programs are for those looking to pursue coaching, life guarding or water instruction.