All families will be charged an annual registration fee. This fee is good for one year.
Because of our strict student to teacher ratio, missed classes will only be allowed a makeup if given at least 3 hours of advanced notice (before the class time). We will offer a makeup token at 1 per your class sign up (I.E. once a week gets 1 token a month, twice a week gets 2 tokens a month). We do want to do our best to make sure your child is getting their lessons as it is of great importance to us that we can get as many swimmers’ water safe as possible. If you feel you have extenuating circumstances, please do not hesitate to reach out to us and let us know. Morning classes have leeway if your child wakes up ill, just please text us so we see it before we get in the pool. If your child is sick for multiple classes, you may receive extra tokens or credit only if you provide a doctor’s note. Without a valid signed doctor’s note no extra tokens or credit will be given.
If you have more than one swimmer and only one swimmers class is canceled you will not receive a makeup for the student who has an instructor present to teach them, unless you opt to use their token for the month.
Angelfish students will follow the same makeup policy as every student. May require flexibility to make up the missed class.
Private lessons will still require a 3-hour notice but will be allowed to choose either a half credit for the class or 1 makeup token per month. For any reason we are to cancel you will receive either full credit for the missed class or a makeup token that does not count toward the 1 a month, that will never expire.
Home School PE students will not be issued makeup tokens.
PARENTS MUST NOTIFY THE SCHOOL TO DROP A STUDENT FROM CLASS. Written notice via email, regular postal mail, hand delivered, or via text, to our front desk will be acceptable 14 days from the drop date. You can request using the START Swimming Portal. A Drop fee of two weeks’ worth of classes will apply if proper notice is not given.
If you fail to notify us of your swimmer missing classes for 2 or more weeks in a row you will automatically be dropped from classes at the next billing cycle.
Parents are required to stay in the building for the duration of their child's swim lesson and practice time. Parents must be on deck during practice time portion of the lesson and during free play unless a lifeguard is on duty. Level 3 swimmers are allowed to play/practice in deeper water and use the noodles if they are not interfering with classes in session. Students below level 3 must stay in the designated area, unless with a parent in the water. Your child needs your full attention when you are on deck. Please do not use cell phones, tablets, computers, ear buds or any form of reading devices so your constant attention is on your child. If we notice you are not following these policies, we will ask your swimmers to exit the pool area.
Payments are due for the month in advance on the 1st. Your invoice is emailed to you the last week of the month and payments are drawn on 1st (must have auto-billing enabled on payment tab). If you don’t have your payment auto drawn, you can pay by check or cash (or card) on the 1st.
Payment is considered late on the 4th and a late fee of 1 weeks worth of classes will be applied. Accounts with no credit card on file will be charged $30 per class with no discounts to be applied.
- Long hair must be put up in a way that won’t interfere with breathing. High and tight ponytails or swim caps are required. We always have extras!
- No gum or candy in mouth when swimming.
- No running allowed in the entire facility. Wet swimmers must use the pool restroom unless occupied.
- Please dry off on deck before entering the lobby. On cold days either dry hair or cover with hat on way to car.
- If your child’s instructor says no free time will be allowed due to bad behavior during class time you will be required to take your child home immediately after their scheduled class time.
- No foul language or disrespectful behavior will be tolerated by swimmers or parents during lessons or in the lobby.
- Diapers and clothing must be changed in a designated changing area and soiled diapers must be disposed of in the proper diaper disposal bins. Failure to use proper changing areas will result in a $50 fine and subsequent actions will follow if the behavior continues.
- No puddle jumpers or inflatable devices will be permitted in the pool at any time.
Thank you very much, START Staff